Hi everyone! Thank you all for replying, and especially because you explored many attributes, including my own autography of my sorry existence buried deep inside a bank some years ago, where I became a Powershell and Excel "expert"😅
Ok, so all we need is time (which I don't have much at the moment 😅) There seems real convergence of Windows and open source now - for one thing, on my Windows 10 laptop, I run Microsoft's built-in Linux and Guix and top of it! There might come a day when "proprietary software business" is no longer a core thing at Microsoft? I think they are probably aware of being made irrelevant by Linux on the server side, Chrome on the web, Android and Iphone on smart phones 😅 Cheers, Yasu > On Feb 3, 2021, at 03:24, Ryan Prior <ryanpr...@hey.com> wrote: > > CLR and the .NET Core tools is the first step there.