
I too really enjoyed the day and the talks!  Speakers did wonders like
you wrote, but I think you, Simon, and Leo also did an amazing job
getting that event up and running, thumbs up!  Many thanks to Fosshost
and to those who helped make that happen behind the scenes.

Despite being a first experience, the live event went very smoothly (for
me at least, with ungoogled-chromium), it was great to see faces during
the break :-), and the discussions were all exciting for me.  I agree
it’d be great to have a blog post summarizing the event while it’s
fresh, even if it’s concise because we were all busy listening and
chatting instead of taking notes.

I like the idea of having per-topic sub-rooms next time, presumably for
a few select “hot topics”.  Some people asked whether a recording of the
live event was available, and I think it might be a good idea to do that


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