Raghav, Raghav Gururajan 写道:
Hello Guix!
o/ I haz returned.
As of 2017, IANA (www.iana.org) has changed the standard template forfont media types.
Not so much changed, but that there was previously no standard. The W3C was displeased with the proliferation of ad-hoc, inconsistent font MIME types and created [SOURCE].
So, font/freetype and font/opentype has to be updated to font/ttf andfont/otf, respectively.
For people who deal with MIMEs, yes, but how does this affect a package manager like Guix? We don't.
Almost all font packages in guix, are using the old specification.
I have updated font-gnu-freefont a while ago. We need to update other packages. Any ideas on how to change them all in a time-saving way?
Are you talking about 5483a2d0a913fe533744699e9ef5757c6e3f6983?Aside... I know others have mentioned this before, and this is another example of a commit that should have been split. It silently moves the TTF fonts from /share/fonts/truetype to /share/fonts/ttf for reasons that aren't explained anywhere and aren't related to the stated goal.
Was this RFC the reason? If so you're confusing two unrelated things.
$ ls ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts cantarell/ opentype/ truetype/(Seeing this I might change cantarell to use ‘opentype’, or not, because it's purely a matter of taste.)
These directory names are for humans. I think ‘truetype’ was better than ‘ttf’.
Kind regards, T G-R
[SOURCE]: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml#font
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