Jan <tona_kosmicznego_smie...@interia.pl> writes:

> On Sun, 03 Nov 2019 17:37:10 +0100
> Marius Bakke <mba...@fastmail.com> wrote:
>> I did not find any cURL or GnuTLS patches there.  Maybe I
>> misunderstood something?
> Gnutls is a dependency of Jami, curl is probably a dependency of a
> dependency of Jami, but that's all - what is important here is that
> Jami uses a modified version of pjproject, which adds support for
> gnutls - that's why patching fails. What happened with curl is a
> mystery for me, the only thing I know is that building curl had failed
> before building pjproject-jami, so I thought the patching process
> succeeded. But since it works now, it doesn't matter (at least for me).

OK, thanks for the explanation.

>> There are many reasons not to include multiple versions of a package,
>> but for cURL and GnuTLS in particular, the main reason is that there
>> are security fixes in nearly every new version.  Thus, we can only
>> support the latest one.
> Okay, I'll try using the latest packages for Jami then.

Excellent, good luck and don't hesitate to come back if you have other
questions!  :-)

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