On 31/10/2018 09.58, Alex Sassmannshausen wrote:
Out of curiosity, would you personally feel better about the CoC if it
used terms such as "This community commits to" or "This community
pledges to" insteead of "We as contributors commit to"?

In as far as contributing doesn't make one part of the community ... it would be a slight improvement. On the other hand, it's just vaguer about whom it puts words into their mouths.

I ask because one of the positives about the CC wording from my
perspective is that it specifically makes it a collective responsibility
to uphold certain norms, and not just the responsibility of the
"projec authorities".  It is understood that there are specific channels
for dealing with violations of those norms, but the community as a whole
stands behind that.

Yeah, that's the positive reading. A negative is that it is an attempt to push people to declare a mixed bag as their own, with no voice in the process (other than take it or leave it). One that contains hard-to-argue-with aspects, but also questionable and vague parts.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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