On 28/10/2018 20.50, Alex Griffin wrote:
From sentence 1 of the Contributor Covenant:
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to [...]
This snippet right here is a problem even before we get to the meat and
potatoes. I don't appreciate the presumption that my mere participation
indicates my agreement with this document.
Especially as it's easily possible to contribute a patch without being
aware of the CC.
It says it's a pledge. How does it mean anything just sitting there?
Must there not be an act of making/joining the pledge?
Seems to me either that language must go, or in future, contributions
(at least those ending up in the tree) can only be accepted from people
who explicitly made/joined/signed the pledge (AKA read and sign this
EULA before contributing even the tiniest bug-fix).
Thorsten Wilms
thorwil's design for free software: