Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Wilms writes:

> On 29/10/2018 09.23, Björn Höfling wrote:
>> Example: Sage Sharp left the kernel development:
>> https://sage.thesharps.us/2015/10/05/closing-a-door/
>> How good would have been the USB 3.0 driver now, or the
>> community documentation, when he would have continued his work with
>> passion in a respectful community?
> Sage may feel you mis-gendered them, as they prefer they/them. Please
> be respectful ;)

Thank you for letting us know; I certainly would aim want to respect
their preference.

> Sage advocates the CoC and called an opponent a "rape apologist",
> based on not just a mean spirited interpretation, but rather factually
> wrong. I think this qualifies as slander.
> https://twitter.com/_sagesharp_/status/1042769399596437504
> using as reference:
> http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Rape_apology_on_LCA_mailing_list

I'm sorry, I'm not clear on where the factual incorrectness was in the
things you linked to above.  I did not follow the original debate in
detail so am going on the links you provide.

> This is a prime example of what may make one suspicious of CoCs and
> the Covenant in particular, when people who want them do things like
> that. It looks like war, with the usual effects on truth and fairness.

I'm not seeing this from what you linked to.

Best wishes,


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