Hello Larissa,

Welcome to Guix!

Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefl...@bjoernhoefling.de> ezt írta (időpont:
2018. okt. 25., Cs, 8:17):
> Hi Larissa,
> welcome to Guix!
> I'm putting the other Mentors/Coordinators and the developer list on
> CC. Please answer to the mailing list, so others can help you out too.
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:51:56 +0100
> Larissa Leite <lari.leit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > My name is Larissa and I would love to contribute to the project.
> > I am having some trouble finding where to start, so I have decided,
> > after reading the reccommendations, to e-mail one of the mentors and
> > introduce myself.
> > I'm currently studying Media Production as an exchange student at the
> > University of Lincoln, this project resonated with me the most,
> > considering video editing is my passion and I love every opportunity
> > to develop my editing skills.
> > Besides editing, I would also enjoy helping with translation. I am
> > Brazilian, so Portuguese is my native language, and I speak both
> > English and Spanish fluently.
> > If you could help me start my contribution, it would be great, I'm
> > really excited to be a part of this project.

That's great!

> That sounds great. The first step would be to get familiar with Guix
> and to make a contribution, that you can formally declare on the
> Outreachy website.
> To contribute, you can either prepare a package or update
> documentation, though we would recommend packaging to get first
> familiar with the system.
> So your first step would be to install Guix or GuixSD and get into
> it. You can either install Guix on top of another distro or you can
> install GuixSD, the GNU/Linux-Distribution alone, either in a virtual
> machine or a standalone hardware.
> I think there is a link for both types from the Guix Outreachy site. I
> will post them here too:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Binary-Installation.html#Binary-Installation
> https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/System-Installation.html#System-Installation

Yes, any of these would do.

> You can pack whatever software you like and is missing in Guix, though
> it could get hard depending on your choice :-) So in general for a
> beginner are R-packages recommended, we have also importers for that.

Yes, packaging something from the CRAN repository using guix import
would be a good first contibution. For more information about importers
see the invoking guix import section of the manual.

> If you have any questions, ask on the mailing list or on IRC. The
> community is very welcoming and willing to help.
> Yours,
> Björn

Best regards,

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