Hi Gabor,

> There is a command line flag for javadoc (notimestamp), that disables
> generating the comment in the docs that contains the timestamp.
> Currently I see two ways forward:
> 1. Track down the calls to javadoc, and add the flag to all calls.
> 2. Write a simple patch to make javadoc behave as if notimestamp was
> specified, whenever
> SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is defined.
> I do not think, that the patch produced by 2 is upstreamable, but it
> seems much less work. WDYT?

I'd like option 2 more.  Also, I think it should be upstreamable.

Thanks for working on tihs!

I've meant to tackle this for quite some time but I didn't find how icedtea
gets the jdk sources in the first place (in order to patch it).

Putting a patch into the "patches" subdir blindly should work, but I
didn't try.

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