Well, retried again a git pull today. It broke with no backtrace (an exception 
while printing backtrace)
ERROR: In procedure private-lookup: No variable bound to define-module* in 
module (guile)

cannot build derivation for /gnu/store/sha…guix-32eb44240-modules.drv: 1 
dependencies could not be built
cannot build derivation for /gnu/store/sha…guix-32eb44240.drv: 1 dependencies 
could not be built

I do not know whats going on, but one two things are sure:

1. If is true that any packager can break the build of guix by commiting a bad 
package definition, then the whole packaging system design is **FLAWED** in my 
opinion. A system which is so brittle has no place in an industrial 
environment, at least until such issues are permanently resolved.  Yes, Mark 
was nice enough to say you can build it from source and it works better, but to 
be honest, when I work with an OS I just want tools which do work and make my 
life easier, not 
spit error after error for days. If I need to build a repository, it must be 
because i want to modify something or customize some software, not because the 
OS itself burps .

2. A package manager which fails time and again to build itself doesn't present 
itself as very trustworthy. It may be very well be, but adoption of software is 
governed by social factors more than technical excellence. GuixSD for now is 
very nice and cool, but its a hacking playground, not an industrial strength OS 
which you deliver without worry. 

So please excuse me if I give a bit of unsolicited advice, please fix all those 
before going 1.0.  It does not gives a good impression on the OS. I believe its 
important for your future marketing and your goals to further free software in 
this world. 

> On Jun 18, 2018, at 14:11, swedebugia <swedebu...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Hi
> On June 17, 2018 9:51:51 PM GMT+02:00, Dan Partelly <dan_parte...@rdsor.ro> 
> wrote:
>> HI Mark
> [...]
>> For any “guix system …. “ the message was:
>> guix: system: command not found . 
> I experienced this as well today after guix pull from 0.14 to commit 
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/commit/?id=b4eae997fe5b928f179c34d281e9f2c3eccd3670
>  if I remember correctly. 
> I just understood from the previous reply that running guix pull again will 
> solve the problem. I will try later and report back the result. 
> -- 
> Cheers Swedebugia

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