Le Sun, 17 Jun 2018 13:09:54 +0300,
Dan Partelly <dan_parte...@rdsor.ro> a écrit :

> Hello,
> First thanks for the development effort you guys do. Now the issues:
> 1. I managed to install 0.14 to a Virtual box VM. I used bare-bones
> configuration. 2. I tried to get familiar with guix / guixSD a bit, I
> never used it before 3. Within minutes I managed to break the system
> completely , due to my misguided idea to execute a guix pull to
> upgrade the packages to the latest available. This command is a
> liability, while it should 100% safe given how  central is to the OS.
> 4. This resulted into an unusable system , the command “system” for
> guix did not functioned at all after whatever git pull did .  Guix
> reported: 5. attempting to fix the issue by pulling from git branch
> 0.14 where not successful.

Hi Dan,

congrats on installing GuixSD :)

I think you fell in a bug introduced by a recent change in how guix and
guix pull work. You probably need to run guix pull once more to end up
in a usable state. Sorry for the inconvenience :/

You won't need to run guix pull twice after that, there's only one time
where it's needed to transition to the new architecture.

> Now some  points:

For your other points... I can't really elaborate on them. Some of your
points go against our core values (software freedom) so we won't
implement them, but we're free software. We make it easy for you to
adapt guix packages to build your own, or even fork the project
entirely and create another distribution with different goals.

The rest of your points I think are already solved by the new guix pull
that caused the bug you experienced.

I hope I could help you. Don't hesitate to ask more questions or come
back if running guix pull once more didn't work :)

> With thanks

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