> Plus there is another angle on this.  MesCC, the bootstrap C compiler in 
> Scheme, is not a intended to be used beyond bootstrapping. 
And probably will lose features over time not directly related to the act of 
bootstrapping itself

> A C compiler on top of Guile however, could be a very interesting project and 
> could easily target gcc; possibly attempt C++.
Well mescc is well on its way to that

> I may just be dreaming...
I hope not

> Hmm, it's my understanding that Guile is pretty heavily tied to libguile/*.c. 
>  What makes you think that it's possible for Guile to run
> without libguile/*.c?

Specifically "The bootstrap C interpreter in libguile loads the Scheme compiler 
and builds eval.go from eval.scm"

Thus by simply having a scheme compiler able to compile eval.scm, we can skip 
the libguile/*.c Assuming I interpreted that situation correctly

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