Hi Konrad,

> My virtual machine has two network interfaces, one for connections to 
> the outside world and one for connections to/from the host (that's how 
> VirtualBox works). The first one gets configured automatically via DHCP, 
> presumably via (dhcp-client-service). The second one must be configured 
> statically. After some exploration, I added
>    (static-networking-service "enp0s8" ...)
> to the list of services. No chance:
>    service "networking" provided more than once
> That must be because "lo" is already configured in %base-services. But 
> the documentation explicitly says that I can call 
> static-networking-service multiple times for multiple interfaces!

This works for me.  I have configured berlin.guixsd.org with two network
interfaces by simply providing static-networking-service twice.  I’m not
removing any services from %base-services:

  (services (cons* …
             (static-networking-service "enp6s4f0"
                                        #:netmask ""
                                        #:gateway "")
             (static-networking-service "enp0s8"
                                        #:netmask "")


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