Plan for a secure E-mail server The idea is to have a secure setup which can be replicated fast and parameterized - i.e., there will be installation options. We'll develop this so anyone can fire up a VPS instance and get a secure communications environment - especially when people are on one host and between hosts using encrypted channels.
The plan is as follows: Phase 1 . postfix with some utilities (postgrey, spfmilter) . courier-imap . web mail server using imap Phase 2 . stunnel+sslh - for tunneling ssh/smtp/imap over port 443 Phase 3 . Spam/virus filters Phase 4 . web based user mail account management Phase 5 . mailman support Phase 6 . irc support . other messaging services Phase 7 . voice support - mumble? My server runs phases 1-3. The rest will be new for me though I know how mailman operates. We need to make the setup modular, so we can mix and match services (not everyone wants mailman or other web fronting services). Exim may be an option too. In parallel we'll start talking with VPS providers and see if we can host services cleanly on the fly. One area they need to help is to provide IPs that are not blacklisted for SPAM. With my server I am continuously fighting these lists. We should have some guarantees there. How does that look? Pj.