
Arun Isaac <arunis...@systemreboot.net> skribis:

>> What I want achieve is that we can fire up an image on a VPS with safe
>> communications.
> VPSs may be a start. But, I'm not comfortable with them long term. We
> should push for users to self-host their own infrastructure. It should
> be something like the FreedomBox project.
> https://freedomboxfoundation.org/
> The FreedomBox project is based on Debian. Perhaps, we can build
> something similar, but based on Guix.

The little-known “la Brique Internet” (“Internet Cube”) project¹ is
addressing a similar problem domain and they’ve made pretty impressive
achievements: these “cubes” have been shipped in France to non-experts
and it seems to work as intended.

The software relies on YunoHost² (which I’ve mentioned before) + Debian.
I suspect rebasing YunoHost on GuixSD could help improve reliability
(there could be a “rollback” button!) and flexibility (configuration
wouldn’t have to be limited to web applications), though of course it’s
easier said than done.

It would be lovely to see GuixSD help facilitate self-hosting!


¹ https://internetcu.be/
² https://yunohost.org/

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