ng0 於 2017-04-25 17:47 寫道:
> CC-BY 3.0 is in Guix. Unless something fundamental changed in 4.0, 4.0
> should be okay to add in the variants which are not CC-BY-NC.
> Licenses can be added in guix/licenses.scm
Well the license seems to be compatible with CC-BY 4.0 because it
explicitly states so in clause 4.2. Or is it compatible as a matter of
fact and that clause is simply pointing it out, and so it may also be
compatible with CC-BY 3.0? When we assign a license in a Guix package
definition, my understanding is that this is a statement saying
effectively "If you look in the source tar.gz, you will see that this
package is in fact licensed under ... license, perhaps in the COPYING
file". If I set the license to CC-BY 4.0, would that be claiming the
Taiwanese government has issued the font under that license. Does clause
4.2 mean "You can redistribute this under CC-BY 4.0 with your name on
it, if you want" or "We grant you this under the CC-BY 4.0". I'm not
even sure if that is a meaningful distinction in copyright law. If the
former is actually correct, does this require me as a Guix dev to add a
COPYING file distributing the font under CC-BY 4.0 under my name or
what? Can I say truthfully that the source .zip file containing the
fonts is under the CC-BY 4.0 ?