I would like to package the cns-11643 fonts published at http://data.gov.tw/node/5961 , however the license ( http://data.gov.tw/license ) is the Open Government Data License published by the Taiwanese government, and is not available in Guix.
According to https://discuss.okfn.org/t/license-approval-request-open-government-data-license-taiwan-1-0/4593 and the license it's self (clause 4.2) The license is compatible with the CC-BY 4.0 license, although that is not in Guix either it seems. I do not understand the legalities, but it seems that this license is only really usable in Taiwan, and so we should use the CC-BY 4.0 instead. This is how debian has set their license file: http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/f/fonts-cns11643/fonts-cns11643_98.1+20150923-2_copyright In any case, I find it all rather perplexing. What is the appropriate way to deal with this in Guix and how should this package's (license ...) be set?