On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 10:05:15PM +0100, Ludovic Court??s wrote:
     John Darrington <j...@darrington.wattle.id.au> skribis:
     > On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 02:59:09PM +0100, Ludovic Court??s wrote:
     >      >      ???match???, 
     >      >
     >      > Have another look: +    (let* ((host (match (string-split source 
#\:) ((h _) h)))
     >      Right, but there are other occurrences of ???car??? for 
???getaddrinfo???.  :-)
     > But that occurance applies to a real list, rather than a list used as 
     > In other words, I really do just want to get the first item of that list.
     > As I understand it, match is supposed to be used for heterogenous lists 
     > each member has its own semantics.  That is not the case here.
     ???match??? can be used to match anything, and I highly recommend using it
     for lists (info "(guile) Pairs"): it generates clearer and foolproof
     In this case ???getaddrinfo??? might well return an empty list.
So then "car" would raise an error (unless I check it first with pair?) - just
as match would raise an error unless I add a catch-all case.  I'm still not 
convinced that match has any advantages in this case.
However I've changed it despite that, and pushed this patch to master.  I hope
it's ok.


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