David Craven <da...@craven.ch> writes:

>> I usually attach the patches as files, in notmuch emacs they are saved
>> by pressing . s when in the displayed attached files part.
> That doesn't save the email header with the patch, which is required to
> apply the patch with am. Otherwise it's just a diff and not a patch... Do
> you use git apply? Or am I doing something wrong?

You must be doing something wrong or spacemacs is different. I don't
know spacemacs. It works for me in emacs.

>> The guix plugin worked out of the box on GuixSD. I have not set it up on
>> my main workstation, as I mainly work from a terminal, and it did not
>> integrate well with Evil.
> Running C-c . b gives me this error msg:
> ERROR: No variable named guile-final in #<interface (gnu packages
> commencement) 7e435a0>

Is this error addressed to me and the patch this sided iscussion started
I need to collect links to point to soon, so this offtopic discussion is
nothing which adds any noise to discussion for me at the moment,
otherwise I would ask you to change the subject to
"spacemacs questions (was: Re: [PATCH] Add tintin.)".

>> Yes, I have a layer called "mail". Here is config.el, using two mail
>> accounts (this one and work). Don't ask what all the options mean...
> Thank you, I got it working! =)
> Spacemacs is awesome!
For non-prism friendly talk find me on http://www.psyced.org

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