> Hmmm, my way of learning emacs is to read the Emacs Tutorial but not to
> read the Emacs Manual, because it goes into things too deep for newbies
> IMO. Then, I try to code in emacs and eventually I get comfortable in
> emacs key bindings. Only then I start to look into packages and elisp
> programming. (emacs is actually what get me into learning scheme)
> Alternatively, if you are used to vim, you could try Evil Mode, which
> emulates vim key bindings.

I completed the evil-tutor thing in spacemacs yesterday, and think
I'll get used to
it. The main problem I had when getting started with emacs, is that the bindings
appear to be random? With spacemacs finding the relevant commands was easy,
(space b for buffer and n for next). I think that's easy to
remember... and it comes
with a lot of packages pre-installed and with sane defaults. I think that
the vim key bindings are more known, since everyone has had to modify
a config file
over ssh and use :wq and insert mode, and that's pretty much all you need to get

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