David Craven <da...@craven.ch> writes:

>> All: Please share your experiences, positive and negative, with project
>> management frameworks. Ideally it covers patches, discussions,
>> bugtracking and is accessible and usable at least via web browser.
> I think a few people have said they like github, but it gets objected to
> because of certain reasons and I do not want to start a discussion on
> those.
> I did find a project called gogs (go git service) which has an ui just like
> github's. Maybe this would be a solution worth exploring.
> As for the "I like to use email thing": I like to reply via email to PR's and
> issues too, the only downside I can think of for people liking the email
> workflow would be creating a PR involves pressing the "Create PR"
> button in the web gui. (If I haven't thought of other downsides please
> let me know ;)

> Fetching peoples patchsets through git is simple, and there is
> the possiblility of adding forks of people that contribute regularly as
> git remotes (to make fetching and review even simpler).

This reminds me of my personal workflow in a small package maintaining
project which looks like this (just to give some more input on this,
this is obviously not ideal to scale up to the size of guix.. maybe):

Distributed instances of the git repository, everybody works on a
checkout local to them, every persons instances is a remote you pull
from and do the work to keep them in sync. Discussion happens on psyced.org.
The post-receive hook sends a notice to a psyced server which
distributes it to people subscribed to the channel (git2psyc hook).
This only works for small groups where everybody is competent enough not
to mess up the work.

> The only thing I don't like about github/gogs from an UI perspective is the
> merge button. The merge button creates unnecessary merge commits
> which I don't like, and many projects agree to not use the merge button.
> There is no way to disable it, but I think that disabling it in gogs would be
> trivial.
> [0] https://gogs.io

♥Ⓐ  ng0
For non-prism friendly talk find me on http://www.psyced.org

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