2016-08-02 16:09 GMT+02:00 ng0 <n...@we.make.ritual.n0.is>:

> Recent change -> 0.10.2 will be out soon™.
> For the collaborative Gentoo overlay I share work with, many packages
> I contributed either originate there or got their first year of practice
> and debugging there and when I started to contribute to Guix, they
> started moving into Guix master.
> However we have some packages which can not make it into guix master in
> their (current) form (one example: powwow. unaltered it came into Guix,
> but we still patch it for Gentoo. Best case scenario would be to patch
> it upstream). I am testing for the best way to transition the packages
> which do not fit into Guix master to a form which does not depend on
> maintaining another Guix checkout (too many wip packages on my side, and
> it must mean low maintenance costs).
> This is what I mean with out-of-tree.

Thanks for your clarifications.

Why don't these packages fit into Guix master ?

Could you provide a list of these packages ?

Someone could take the initiative to try to work on one of those and you
could be lifted from the brunt

Just maybe.

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