Chris Marusich <> writes:

> Hi,
> I've set up a caching proxy to serve substitutes from Hydra. If you want
> to use it, it's available here:
> Behind the scenes, this endpoint is set up to distribute's
> substitutes via Amazon CloudFront, which is a global content
> distribution network with points of presence in the United States,
> Europe, Asia, and South America. That means that almost no matter where
> you are, if your neighbor uses it to download substitutes, then you'll
> be able to download the same cached substitutes quickly from a nearby
> location.
> I'm making this mirror available to you in the hopes that you find it
> useful. Please note that I make no guarantee about the continued
> availability of the endpoint, so please don't rely on it for anything
> important. Amazon CloudFront bills me for only the requests received and
> bytes transferred via the endpoint, so the more people who use it, the
> more it will cost. I reserve the right to disable it without prior
> notice if it becomes too expensive.
> Full disclosure: I'm employed by Amazon. However, I'm paying for this
> mirror out of my own pocket. I'm personally making it available to you
> because I like the Guix project a lot, and I want to help it in any way
> I can. I do not represent Amazon, nor does the mirror, which I am
> operating personally just like any other CloudFront customer.
> I hope you find this mirror useful.
> Chris


since you posted this some time has passed, about a month now.

Could you tell me how much in- and outbound traffic it consumed
(separate values if possible)? I'm taking in consideration for
current moving situation if it will be mirror now or buildserver
later that I will be testing with and include in my setup.


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