
I've set up a caching proxy to serve substitutes from Hydra. If you want
to use it, it's available here:


Behind the scenes, this endpoint is set up to distribute hydra.gnu.org's
substitutes via Amazon CloudFront, which is a global content
distribution network with points of presence in the United States,
Europe, Asia, and South America. That means that almost no matter where
you are, if your neighbor uses it to download substitutes, then you'll
be able to download the same cached substitutes quickly from a nearby

I'm making this mirror available to you in the hopes that you find it
useful. Please note that I make no guarantee about the continued
availability of the endpoint, so please don't rely on it for anything
important. Amazon CloudFront bills me for only the requests received and
bytes transferred via the endpoint, so the more people who use it, the
more it will cost. I reserve the right to disable it without prior
notice if it becomes too expensive.

Full disclosure: I'm employed by Amazon. However, I'm paying for this
mirror out of my own pocket. I'm personally making it available to you
because I like the Guix project a lot, and I want to help it in any way
I can. I do not represent Amazon, nor does the mirror, which I am
operating personally just like any other CloudFront customer.

I hope you find this mirror useful.


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