
On 21/11/2015, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Alex Vong <alexvong1...@gmail.com> skribis:
>> On 20/11/2015, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Alex Vong <alexvong1...@gmail.com> skribis:
>>>> Beside the technical side, I think it is also a conceptual problem. If
>>>> we were to add the `determinism` tag globally, then all of the GNU
>>>> projects using <debbugs.debian.org> will be able to use this new tag.
>>>> I am conservative towards this, and would rather make the
>>>> `determinism` tag be the usertag of `guix-devel@gnu.org`.
>>> If it’s a user tag of guix-devel@gnu.org, does that mean that it would
>>> automatically show up on bugs.gnu.org/guix, even when not explicitly
>>> specifying a user?  Would M-x debbugs show it too?  :-)
>> For the web interface, I think no. You will need to pass the
>> `users=foo` parameter to let it show up.. Otherwise,  the website
>> interface could become very messy, if everyone adds him/her favourite
>> tag.
>> For emacs-debbugs, I think yes! When you type `M-x
>> debbugs-gnu-usertags`, you get a list of usertags used by the user
>> with name "emacs", so apparently emacs is using usertags! To list
>> usertag for a specific user (take "alexvong1...@gmail.com" as an
>> example), the debbugs info page suggests to evaluate the elisp
>> function `(debbugs-gnu-usertags "alexvong1...@gmail.com")` and it
>> works.
> So, what about adding this user tag for user “guix,” and then
> recommending using this user?
Sure! I guess this is how the emacs devs does it. This can help
maintaining a list of unreproducible packages.

> I tried C-u M-x debbugs-gnu and passing it the “tagged” severity, as
> suggested in debbugs.el, and then the “determinism” user tag, but that
> fails as of debbugs 0.7:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Unknown key: :status")
>   signal(error ("Unknown key: :status"))
>   error("Unknown key: %s" :status)
>   debbugs-get-usertag(:tag "determinism" :status "forwarded" :status "open"
> :user "guix" :severity "normal" :severity "important" :severity "serious")
>   apply(debbugs-get-usertag (:tag "determinism" :status "forwarded" :status
> "open" :user "guix" :severity "normal" :severity "important" :severity
> "serious"))
>   debbugs-gnu-get-bugs(((tag . "determinism") (status . "forwarded") (status
> . "open") (package . "guix") (severity . "tagged") (severity . "normal")
> (severity . "important") (severity . "serious")))
>   debbugs-gnu(("serious" "important" "normal" "tagged") ("guix") nil t
> ("determinism"))
>   call-interactively(debbugs-gnu record nil)
>   command-execute(debbugs-gnu record)
>   execute-extended-command((4) "debbugs-gnu")
>   call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)
>   command-execute(execute-extended-command)
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Am I missing something?
> Ludo’.

I think entering `C-u M-x debbugs-gnu-usertags` and then USER should
show all the usertags of user USER, for example USER could be `emacs`
or `alexxvong1...@gmail.com`. Does this work for you?


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