Feng Shu writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber <cweb...@dustycloud.org> writes:
>> Okay, how about a version of guile-emacs that works and incorporates
>> feedback from this thread?  Yeah?  Anyone?
>> Whoooooooooo guile-emacs! :)
> I suggest add  "emacs-snapshot" or "emacs-master-branch" package, 
> then, define guile-emacs like this.
> (define-public guile-emacs
>   (package (inherit emacs-master-branch)
>   ...))
> This can  make package other emacs branch easier, for example: xwidget branch.

It's a good idea... I'd love to be able to check out emacs master more

However I don't have time to do it right now myself.

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