Federico Beffa <be...@ieee.org> writes:

> On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 6:32 PM, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> wrote:
>> At this point, it would be good to rebase (not merge) the
>> 'wip-gobject-introspection' branch on current master.  Presently, the
>> branch is based on master before core-updates was merged, which means a
>> considerably different core system than what we currently have.
> I would like to double check if I'm the only one having done any
> commits to wip-gobject-introspection branch (even local, not pushed
> ones.  This is because the git manual warns people away from rebasing
> branches which have been made public and on which somebody else has
> done some work. So, I would like to make sure I don't mess up with
> anyone.

You're right to be wary of rebasing public branches, but I think it's
okay with short-lived experimental branches like this.  If it turns out
that someone else has done work on it, the situation is easily remedied.

> If I understand correctly this is the command I would issue from the
> wip-gobject-introspection branch:
> git rebase master

Yes.  It will need help rebasing your 'eudev' commits.  As with 'git
merge', it will insert merge conflict markers which you must fix up
yourself.  Then 'git add <files>' and 'git rebase --continue'.

Then, after some testing, it would be good to push it to savannah.
Because of the rebase, you'll have to delete the branch on savannah and
then remake it, as follows:

  git push origin :wip-gobject-introspection  # delete it on savannah
  git push origin wip-gobject-introspection   # push the new one


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