Federico Beffa <be...@ieee.org> skribis:

> I've built python-matplotlib with the patched gobject-introspection
> and it appears to have achieved the desired goal: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
> not required anymore at run time.
> To achieve that I updated gtk+ and atk. The version currently in
> master of those packages failed with an error which looked identical
> to the one produced by eudev. An update was enough to fix the problem.
> However, it is likely that a fix similar to the one I used for eudev
> would have worked as well.


> At this point I would welcome the offer made several weeks ago to make
> hydra build the branch to get feedback. Alternatively, if for some
> reason that is not desirable anymore, we could merge the branch into
> master and see how it goes.

Given that core-updates will soon be fully built (hopefully within 24h)
and ready to be merged, I would prefer to wait until that is done, and
then rebase wip-gobject-introspection on it and get it built.

How does that sound?


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