No problem---I'm too.

Think about it this way:

How would you sort this list of numbers: 7 1 3 8 2 1 4 ?

It's 1 1 2 3 4 7 8, right? That is what we want (sort '(7 1 3 8 2 1 4)) to
output (+ the parentheses of course).

Now, `sorted?' returns true if its input is what `sort' would have
produced as output, otherwise false.

Don't confused by the "less" that you pass in as second argument to
`sort'. That is something you are *required* to pass to sort for it to
function as expected. It is something that `sort' uses.

This explanation does make sense to me and so made me realized I was not using `sorted?` as it is intended to. I will think about another strategy.

Thank you all for your time and words.


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