On 06/21/2018 06:44 AM, Joshua Branson wrote:
Matt Wette <matt.we...@gmail.com> writes:

And on this topic, I'm currently reading 'The Reasoned Schemer,' written
in the same style.   The style gets the stuff into my head w/o resorting to
trying out problems on the computer (yet).
Hmmm. I've heard about the seasoned schemer, but not the reasoned one.
I also have downloaded Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs.  I need to actually spend some time going through it.

I've just got several programming projects that I want to do, and I need
to remind myself that I probably can't learn it all at once.  :)

The Reasoned Schemer is about miniKanren, a Scheme library thatuses
unification to generate a system of relations (versusfunctions).For
example, while (append '(a b) '(c d)) => '(a b c d), miniKanren can
solve "find x such that (append '(a b) x) yields '(a b c d)" :

  scheme@(guile-user)> (run* (x) (appendo '(a b) x '(a b c d)))
  $2 = ((c d))

where appendo is defined as:
(define appendo
  (lambda (l s ls)
      ((== '() l) (== s ls))
      ((fresh (a d res)
     (== `(,a . ,d) l)
     (== `(,a . ,res) ls)
     (appendo d s res))))))

check https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3110252


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