Hi Joshua,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Joshua Branson <jbra...@fastmail.com> wrote:
> So I have the book "The Little Schemer".  The book describes the
> procedures: "lat?" and "atom?".  Surprisingly, guile does not seem to
> define these procedures by default.  I had assumed that these procedures
> were apart of standard scheme, but I guess that is not the case.

Great book! One of my favorites. But yeah, you guessed correctly. They
are not part of any Scheme standard nor are they a part of Guile's own
standard library.  They are unique to The Little Schemer's vocabulary.
In the 4th edition of the book, an implementation of atom? is given
for both Scheme and Common Lisp on page 10, and lat? on page 16, since
the authors knew they couldn't expect the user's Lisp implementation
to have those built-in.

> Is there any plan to define these procedures?

I'm not a maintainer but I wouldn't expect these to be added.

Hope this helps!

- Dave

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