> From: Mike Gran <spk...@yahoo.com>
> Hi-
> With the Fedora 18 beta starting, I thought I'd check on the
> state of Guile.  To date, Fedora hasn't moved past Guile 1.8.8.
> The meta-bug tracking Guile 2.0.x integration is #678238
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=678238
> But, it is being blocked by several packages failing to build
> with Guile 2.0. 
> These are
> - Texmacs (#704515)
> - Autogen (#704517)
> - coot (#704518)
> - Demeno (#704519)
> - Freehoo (#704521)
> - Freetalk (#704522)
> - geda-gaf (#704524)
> - gnucash (#704527)
> - gnu robots (#704528) - looks complete, but bug is still open
> - guile-gnome-platform (#704530)
> - guile-lib (#704531)
> - lilypond (#704533)
> - mdk (#704544)
Thought I'd mention that even though not all of these packages
have been fixed to work with Guile-2.0, Guile-2.0.7 has been
pushed to the Fedora Rawhide (bleeding edge) distro.
There's a wiki page about the attempted upgrade here:
I assume that if all goes according to plan, guile-2.0
may hit Fedora 19 in about 6 months or so.
I'm sure Fedora would be happy for feedback, if you're
willing to try running the testing Rawhide distro.
(Again, I'm just a Fedora user.  I don't have any real role
in the project.)
Mike Gran

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