On 12/18/2012 07:35 AM, zx spectrumgomas wrote:
> I did not say that Guile is against social-networks. I say that Guile
> isn't using social networks and it is a mistake. And that's a fact.
*** Ludovic said it well. Let me reiterate:

"Some people conflate social networks, which are the aggregate of
relationships that humans have, with online social network services such
as Facebook and, arguably, G+" -- Howard Rheingold

I used to post this on Google+, when I had a Google account, that is,
before they changed their privacy policy to aggregate all their services
under a single "Real Name" (TM?)

If you're not aware of that, some people were quite pissed to discover
that their "business handle" was mixed with their "personal handle" when
that privacy policy entered in effect. Centralized social network
services have an increasing tendency toward surveillance ; no, wait:
that's their business model. They trade user profiles to marketers, and
most, give them away to govern-mental agencies.

More importantly, in a world of "the rule of law", where freedom of
expression is (at least in the USA) protected by the Constitution, these
services offer to their "business customers" an interface that allow
them to entirely bypass Constitutional law, and censor whatever content
they deem inappropriate, where they should, if that was posted in the
public space, go to court, and win there.

If you really like to use G+ for the sake of the audience (why not
Facebook, then?), you could as well post short messages linking to blog
articles or wiki pages *in the public space*, so that you take advantage
of both worlds: contents in the public space, protected under a free
documentation license, and use centralized social networking services
such as Google+, Twitter, and Facebook, as mass-media, for announcement.


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