Op zaterdag 19 jun 2010 20:16 CEST schreef Andy Wingo:

>> Op zaterdag 19 jun 2010 11:16 CEST schreef Andy Wingo:
>>> ,profile (call-my-function)
>> (main ("temp/input" "dummy.log" "^ +" "1234567890"))
> Almost. At the repl, type:
> (load "dummy.scm")
> Then:
> ,profile (main '("dummy.scm" "temp/input" "dummy.log" "^ +" "1234567890"))

This gives:
    In standard input:
       2: 0* (unquote profile)

    standard input:2:2: In expression (unquote profile):
    standard input:2:2: Unbound variable: unquote
    ABORT: (unbound-variable)

> More repl help is available by typing ,help. ,help profile, for example.

    In standard input:
       1: 0* (unquote help)

    standard input:1:1: In expression (unquote help):
    standard input:1:1: Unbound variable: unquote
    ABORT: (unbound-variable)
    In standard input:
       2: 0* (unquote help)

    standard input:2:1: In expression (unquote help):
    standard input:2:1: Unbound variable: unquote
    ABORT: (unbound-variable)
    guile> ERROR: Unbound variable: profile
    ABORT: (unbound-variable)

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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