I have the following code:
    #!/usr/bin/guile \
    -e main -s
    (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
    (use-modules (ice-9 regex))

    (define (main args)
      (let* ((arg-vector       (list->vector args))
             (input-file-name  (vector-ref   arg-vector 1))
             (output-file-name (vector-ref   arg-vector 2))
             (reg-exp          (make-regexp  (vector-ref   arg-vector 3)))
             (substitute-str   (vector-ref   arg-vector 4))

             (end-match        0)
             (found-match      #f)
             (input-file       (open-file input-file-name  "r"))
             (match-length     0)
             (output-file      (open-file output-file-name "w"))
             (start-match      0)
             (this-line        ""))
        (while (not (eof-object? (peek-char input-file)))
               (set! this-line   (read-line input-file))
               (set! found-match (regexp-exec reg-exp this-line))
               (while found-match
                      (set! start-match  (match:start found-match))
                      (set! end-match    (match:end found-match))
                      (set! match-length (- end-match start-match))
                      (while (> match-length (string-length substitute-str))
                             (set! substitute-str (string-append substitute-str 
                      (set! found-match  (regexp-exec reg-exp this-line (+ 
end-match 1))))
               (write-line this-line output-file))
        (close-port output-file)
        (close-port input-file)))

When running like this it takes less then 20 seconds to process a
5.000.000 line file.

When also executing:
               (set! found-match (regexp-exec reg-exp this-line))
it takes 33 seconds.

When also executing:
               (while found-match
                      (set! start-match  (match:start found-match))
                      (set! end-match    (match:end found-match))
                      (set! found-match  (regexp-exec reg-exp this-line (+ 
end-match 1))))
it takes 75 seconds.

And when executing all the code, it takes 95 seconds.

Why is this so expensive? I was thinking that Guile was very efficient,
but when not just copying, it becomes much slower. Am I doing something

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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