() Neil Jerram <n...@ossau.uklinux.net>
() Fri, 12 Mar 2010 20:29:07 +0000

   Would it really be stepping on their toes?  AFAICT they only use Guile
   for configuration, whereas Guile-WWW's purpose is to provide function to
   Guile applications.

Serveez is a general protocol handling (big dishing loop around select(2))
framework, that you can use instead of Guile-WWW.  However, it is not being
maintained last time i checked, so any toes-stepping is just theoretical...

   I think my personal preference would be not to maintain it as an
   individual package, but to roll it into the Guile distribution.  Would
   you be happy with that?

Not really (this ties in with the license)...

   I note that Guile-WWW's license is GPLv3+, whereas the Guile
   distribution as a whole is LGPLv3+.  I'm not sure if that's a problem or
   not; I think I remember hearing that there are already other pieces of
   code that came from guile-library and that have different licenses.

I think it is better not to combine these for licensing reasons.  I
consciously chose GPLv3+ and would be disappointed to see Guile-WWW
revert to any lesser license.

Apart from the licensing, there is a good technical reason: separation allows
Guile-WWW to be used by other Guile versions.  (I'm still playing w/ Guile
1.4, for example.)


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