Hi all!

I'm working on a project that needs a web data server, and I'd like to
use Apache + mod_lisp + Guile for that.

I know that there is a mod_lisp_for_guile written by Alan Grover, but it
bothers me that our various bits of www function aren't better
integrated, and guile-www seems like the biggest and best-integrated
collection of such function so far... so I've taken a look at adding
mod_lisp support to guile-www.

Conceptually, I think this works well.  Just as an HTTP server is a "big
dishing loop" that reads and writes the HTTP protocol, a mod_lisp server
is a big dishing loop that reads and writes the mod_lisp protocol.  In
either case, above the protocol-handling layer you have the "so what do
I do with this request" logic, which is conceptually the same.  So
another benefit of integrating mod_lisp support into guile-www is that
someone can write their request-handling logic, and decide later whether
to run it as part of a standalone guile-www server, or using Apache, via

Anyway, I attach my work in progress, for the sake of soliciting any
comments that people may have, as a patch against 2.27.  Please note
that I'm not necessarily proposing _everything_ here for incorporation
into guile-www - e.g. I think my (ossau template) module might fit
better elsewhere - but I've included everything in the patch that's
needed for a complete example.

Thanks in advance for any comments!


>From 701ac7028c8f412ade00aee8d9e890f329a3836b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Jerram <neiljer...@googlemail.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 22:01:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] modlisp wip

 source/modlisp.html                      |   12 ++
 source/modlisp.scm                       |   32 +++++
 source/ossau/template.scm                |  211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 source/server-utils/answer.scm           |   38 ++++--
 source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm |   32 ++++-
 source/server-utils/modlisp.scm          |   55 ++++++++
 source/www                               |    1 +
 7 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 source/modlisp.html
 create mode 100755 source/modlisp.scm
 create mode 100644 source/ossau/template.scm
 create mode 100644 source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
 create mode 120000 source/www

diff --git a/source/modlisp.html b/source/modlisp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc02e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/modlisp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<table border=1>
+$ (for-each (lambda (header) $
+<tr><td>$~a (car header)$</td><td>$~a (cdr header)$</td></tr>
+$           ) headers)       $
+Posted data: $~a posted-data$.
diff --git a/source/modlisp.scm b/source/modlisp.scm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19a64fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/modlisp.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env guile
+(set! %load-path (append %load-path '(".")))
+(use-modules (www server-utils big-dishing-loop)
+	     (ossau template))
+(define (modlisp-get-handler M upath headers)
+  (write `(upath ,upath))
+  (newline)
+  (M #:use-modlisp-protocol!)
+  (M #:set-reply-status:success)
+  (M #:add-header #:Content-Type "text/html")
+  (M #:add-content (with-output-to-string
+		     (lambda ()
+		       (process-template "modlisp.html"
+					 (headers
+					  (posted-data "(none)"))
+					 (guile)))))
+  (M #:send-reply))
+(define modlisp-loop
+  (make-big-dishing-loop #:need-headers #t
+			 #:protocol #:modlisp
+			 #:method-handlers `((GET . ,modlisp-get-handler)
+					     (POST . ,modlisp-get-handler)
+					     (HEAD . ,modlisp-get-handler))
+			 #:concurrency #:none
+			 #:socket-setup `((,SO_REUSEADDR . 1))))
+(modlisp-loop 3145)
diff --git a/source/ossau/template.scm b/source/ossau/template.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8294d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ossau/template.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+;;;; (ossau template) -- template file processor
+;;; Copyright (C) 2005 Neil Jerram
+;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(define-module (ossau template)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+  #:export (template->code)
+  #:export-syntax (process-template))
+;* A template file is a file of content, such as HTML, that is complete      *;
+;* except for places where the content needs to be filled in                 *;
+;* programmatically.  In the case of the template processor code here, the   *;
+;* code to fill in the dynamic content is written in Scheme and appears      *;
+;* inline in the template file.                                              *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* Areas of Scheme code in the template file are delimited by $.  For        *;
+;* example:                                                                  *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* <I>This page was processed by Guile $(display (version))$</I>             *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* here (display (version)) is interpreted and processed as Scheme code;     *;
+;* the rest is normal (HTML) content.                                        *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* If either normal content or Scheme code needs to include a $ character,   *;
+;* it can do so by doubling the $, as in: Price $$10.20.                     *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* Fragments of Scheme code do not have to be individually balanced.  For    *;
+;* example:                                                                  *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* $(for-each (lambda (x)$                                                   *;
+;* <LI>The square of $(display x)$ is $(display (* x x))$</LI>               *;
+;* $          ) (iota 11))$                                                  *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* A shorthand is provided for cases where a fragment only wants to display  *;
+;* a variable.  This is $~FORMAT VARNAME$, for example $~A x$.  ~FORMAT is a *;
+;* format specifier understood by (ice-9 format), and VARNAME is the name of *;
+;* the variable to display.                                                  *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* It may sometimes help to know the exact algorithm in order to write a     *;
+;* piece of template file code correctly.  It is as follows.                 *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* 1. Convert the template file - even the normal content - into a big       *;
+;*    Scheme code string by:                                                 *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;*    - converting each fragment of normal content to `(display FRAGMENT)'   *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;*    - converting each `~FORMAT VARNAME' fragment to                        *;
+;*      `(format #t ~FORMAT VARNAME)'                                        *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;*    - copying other Scheme code fragments as written.                      *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* 2. Read and evaluate this string in an environment as specified by the    *;
+;*    arguments to process-template.                                         *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* template->code                                                            *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* Reads a template file and returns the Scheme code that should be read and *;
+;* evaluated to generate the implied output.                                 *;
+(define (template->code template)
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  ;* Utility procedure: convert any occurrences of "$$" in STRING to just    *;
+  ;* "$".                                                                    *;
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  (define (unescape-$$ string)
+    (cond ((string-match "\\$\\$" string)
+           =>
+           (lambda (match-data)
+             (string-append (substring string 0 (match:start match-data 0))
+                            "$"
+                            (unescape-$$ (substring string
+                                                    (+ (match:start match-data
+                                                                    0)
+                                                       1))))))
+          (else string)))
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  ;* Utility procedure: given a string read from the template file, after    *;
+  ;* splitting between scheme and non-scheme parts, return the Scheme code   *;
+  ;* corresponding to the template string.                                   *;
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  (define (make-code-string template-string in-scheme)
+    (if in-scheme
+        ;*********************************************************************;
+        ;* Template string should be interpreted as Scheme code.  If it      *;
+        ;* begins with "~", it is a shorthand for a format expression;       *;
+        ;* otherwise, it is straight Scheme code and doesn't need any        *;
+        ;* further tweaking.                                                 *;
+        ;*********************************************************************;
+        (cond ((string-match "^~[^ ]+ " template-string)
+               =>
+               (lambda (match-data)
+                 (let ((beg (match:start match-data 0))
+                       (end (match:end match-data 0)))
+                   (format #f
+                           "(format #t ~S ~A)"
+                           (substring template-string beg (- end 1))
+                           (substring template-string end)))))
+              (else template-string))
+        ;*********************************************************************;
+        ;* Template string is normal file content (i.e. outside Scheme       *;
+        ;* code).  The corresponding Scheme code should display it.          *;
+        ;*********************************************************************;
+        (format #f "(display ~S)" template-string)))
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  ;* Main procedure code.                                                    *;
+  ;***************************************************************************;
+  (with-input-from-file template
+    (lambda ()
+      ;***********************************************************************;
+      ;* Loop reading lines from the template file.                          *;
+      ;***********************************************************************;
+      (let loop ((template-line (read-line (current-input-port) 'concat))
+                 (in-scheme #f)
+                 (strings '()))
+        (if (eof-object? template-line)
+            ;*****************************************************************;
+            ;* EOF: return the concatenated Scheme code string.              *;
+            ;*****************************************************************;
+;            (let ((code
+            (string-append "(begin "
+                           (apply string-append
+                                  (reverse strings))
+                           ")")
+;            ))
+;              (with-output-to-file "template-debug.scm"
+;                (lambda ()
+;                  (display code)))
+;              code)
+            ;*****************************************************************;
+            ;* Not yet EOF: normal processing.  First check for single "$";  *;
+            ;* these mark the boundaries between Scheme code and normal      *;
+            ;* (non-Scheme) file content.                                    *;
+            ;*****************************************************************;
+            (cond ((string-match "(^|[^$])(\\$)($|[^$])" template-line)
+                   =>
+                   ;**********************************************************;
+                   ;* Found a single "$", so process the part of the line    *;
+                   ;* before the "$", then toggle the in-scheme flag and     *;
+                   ;* loop to process the rest of the line.                  *;
+                   ;**********************************************************;
+                   (lambda (match-data)
+                     (let (($pos (match:start match-data 2)))
+                       (loop (let ((rest (substring template-line (+ $pos 1))))
+                               (if (<= (string-length rest) 1)
+                                   (read-line (current-input-port) 'concat)
+                                   rest))
+                             (not in-scheme)
+                             (cons (make-code-string (unescape-$$
+                                                      (substring template-line
+                                                                 0
+                                                                 $pos))
+                                                     in-scheme)
+                                   strings)))))
+                  ;***********************************************************;
+                  ;* No "$" in this line, so process whole line and loop to  *;
+                  ;* read the next line.                                     *;
+                  ;***********************************************************;
+                  (else
+                   (loop (read-line (current-input-port) 'concat)
+                         in-scheme
+                         (cons (make-code-string (unescape-$$ template-line)
+                                                 in-scheme)
+                               strings)))))))))
+;* process-template                                                          *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* Processes a template file, with the generated output going to the current *;
+;* output port.  Returns unspecified.                                        *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+;* Args are: template     - Name of template file.                           *;
+;*           vars         - Variables to define for the Scheme code in the   *;
+;*                          template file, in the same form as a set of let  *;
+;*                          bindings, i.e.                                   *;
+;*                            ((variable1 value1)                            *;
+;*                             (variable2 value2)                            *;
+;*                             ...)                                          *;
+;*           modules      - List of modules that the Scheme code in the      *;
+;*                          template file uses.                              *;
+;*                                                                           *;
+(define-macro (process-template template vars . modules)
+  `(let ((module (make-module 31
+                              (map resolve-interface
+                                   ',modules))))
+     ,@(map (lambda (vardef)
+              `(module-define! module
+                               ',(if (pair? vardef) (car vardef) vardef)
+                               ,(if (pair? vardef) (cadr vardef) vardef)))
+            vars)
+     (eval (with-input-from-string (template->code ,template) read)
+           module)))
diff --git a/source/server-utils/answer.scm b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
index 0a03906..c3cb017 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/answer.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/answer.scm
@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@
          (inhibit-content? #f)
          (direct-writers '())
          (content '())
-         (content-length #f))
+         (content-length #f)
+	 (modlisp #f))
     (define (reset-protocol!)
       (set! pre-tree (list #f))
@@ -212,18 +213,29 @@
       (set! inhibit-content? #f)
       (set! direct-writers '())
       (set! content '())
-      (set! content-length #f))
+      (set! content-length #f)
+      (set! modlisp #f))
+    (define (use-modlisp-protocol!)
+      (set! modlisp #t))
     (define (set-reply-status number msg)
       (status-number! number)
-      (let ((s (fs "HTTP/1.0 ~A ~A\r\n" number msg)))
-        (+! pre-len (string-length s))
-        (set-car! pre-tree s)))
+      (if modlisp
+	  (begin
+	    (add-header #:Status (fs "~A" number))
+	    (set-car! pre-tree ""))
+	  (let ((s (fs "HTTP/1.0 ~A ~A\r\n" number msg)))
+	    (+! pre-len (string-length s))
+	    (set-car! pre-tree s))))
     (define (set-reply-status:success)
-      (+! pre-len 17)
-      (status-number! 200)
-      (set-car! pre-tree "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"))
+      (if modlisp
+	  (set-reply-status 200 "OK")
+	  (begin
+	    (+! pre-len 17)
+	    (status-number! 200)
+	    (set-car! pre-tree "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"))))
     (define (preamble-append! len new)
       (+! pre-len len)
@@ -237,6 +249,11 @@
              (up! (+ 2 (string-length value)) (list value CRLF)))
             ((eq? #t name)
              (up! (string-length value) value))
+	    (modlisp
+	     (add-header #f (symbol->string (keyword->symbol name)))
+	     (add-header #f (if (string? value)
+				value
+				(fs "~A" value))))
              (let ((l/t (length/tree<-header-components name value)))
                (up! (car l/t) (cdr l/t))))))
@@ -330,7 +347,9 @@
               (loop start))))
       (or (car pre-tree) (error "reply status not set"))
       (and content-length (add-header #:Content-Length content-length))
-      (preamble-append! 2 CRLF)
+      (if modlisp
+	  (add-header #f "end")
+	  (preamble-append! 2 CRLF))
       (and (< (string-length preamble) pre-len)
            (set! preamble (make-string (+ pre-len 64))))
       (let ((wp 0))
@@ -363,6 +382,7 @@
        (case command
          ((#:reset-protocol!) reset-protocol!)
+         ((#:use-modlisp-protocol!) use-modlisp-protocol!)
          ((#:set-reply-status) set-reply-status)
          ((#:set-reply-status:success) set-reply-status:success)
          ((#:add-header) add-header)
diff --git a/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm b/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
index 6ae46a3..4400bb0 100644
--- a/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
+++ b/source/server-utils/big-dishing-loop.scm
@@ -31,9 +31,10 @@
   #:export (named-socket
-  #:use-module (ice-9 optargs-kw)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
   #:use-module (www server-utils parse-request)
-  #:use-module (www server-utils answer))
+  #:use-module (www server-utils answer)
+  #:use-module (www server-utils modlisp))
 ;; Return a new socket in protocol @var{family} with address @var{name}.
 ;; Keywords are: @code{#:socket-setup}.
@@ -252,20 +253,39 @@
           (bad-request-handler #f)
           (concurrency #:new-process)
           (parent-finish close-port)
-          (log #f))
+          (log #f)
+	  (protocol #:http))
+  (define p-read-first-line
+    (case protocol
+      ((#:http) read-first-line)
+      ((#:modlisp) modlisp-http-request-line)
+      (else (error "Unknown protocol:" protocol))))
+  (define p-read-headers
+    (case protocol
+      ((#:http) read-headers)
+      ((#:modlisp) modlisp-headers)
+      (else (error "Unknown protocol:" protocol))))
+  (define p-skip-headers
+    (case protocol
+      ((#:http) skip-headers)
+      ((#:modlisp) modlisp-headers)
+      (else (error "Unknown protocol:" protocol))))
   (define (bdlcore queue-length sock handle-request)
     (listen sock queue-length)
     (let loop ((conn (accept sock)))
-      (and (handle-request conn (read-first-line (car conn)))
+      (and (handle-request conn (p-read-first-line (car conn)))
            (loop (accept sock)))))
   (define (handle-request conn upath method)
     (let* ((p (car conn))
            ;; headers
            (h (cond ((and (not need-headers) (not need-input-port)))
-                    (need-input-port (read-headers p))
-                    (else (skip-headers p))))
+                    (need-input-port (p-read-headers p))
+                    (else (p-skip-headers p))))
            ;; status box
            (b (and (number? status-box-size)
                    (make-list status-box-size #f)))
diff --git a/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595b860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/server-utils/modlisp.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; (www server-utils modlisp) --- Handlers for Apache mod_lisp protocol
+;; Copyright (C) 2010 Neil Jerram
+;; This file is part of Guile-WWW.
+;; Guile-WWW is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Guile-WWW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with Guile-WWW; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+;; Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The (www server-utils modlisp) module
+;; is fully documented in the guile-www.info file.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (www server-utils modlisp)
+  #:export (modlisp-http-request-line
+	    modlisp-headers)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+  #:use-module (www server-utils parse-request)
+  #:use-module (www server-utils answer)
+  #:use-module (www server-utils modlisp))
+(define port->headers (make-object-property))
+(define (modlisp-headers port)
+  (or (port->headers port)
+      (begin
+	(let loop ((headers '()) (key (read-line port)) (value #f))
+	  (cond (value
+		 (loop (acons key value headers) (read-line port) #f))
+		((string=? key "end")
+		 (set! (port->headers port) (reverse! headers)))
+		(else
+		 (loop headers key (read-line port)))))
+	(port->headers port))))
+(define (modlisp-http-request-line port)
+  (let ((headers (modlisp-headers port)))
+    (list (string->symbol (assoc-ref headers "method"))
+	  (assoc-ref headers "url")
+	  (assoc-ref headers "server-protocol"))))
diff --git a/source/www b/source/www
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..945c9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/www
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

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