Dear all, The author of draft-fiebig-grow-routing-ops-sec-inform requested whether the GROW working group could consider adoption of their internet-draft.
This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this internet-draft should be adopted. Title: Current Options for Securing Global Routing Abstract: """ The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the protocol is a critical component in the Internet to exchange routing information between network domains. Due to this central nature, it is an accepted best practice to ensure basic security properties for BGP and BGP speaking routers. While these general principles are outlined in BCP194, it does not provide a list of technical and implementation options for securing BGP. This document lists available options for securing BGP, serving as a contemporary, non-exhaustive, repository of options and methods. The document explicitly does not make value statements on the efficacy of individual techniques, not does it mandate or prescribe the use of specific technique or implementations. Operators are advised to carefully consider whether the listed methods are applicable for their use-case to ensure best current practices are followed in terms of which security properties need to be ensured when operating BGP speakers. Furthermore, the listed options in this document may change over time, and should not be used as a timeless ground-truth of applicable or sufficient methods. """ The Internet-Draft can be found here: Please share with the mailing list if you would like this work to be adopted by GROW, are willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to this draft! WG Adoption call ends January 22nd, 2025. Kind regards, Job / Chris GROW co-chairs _______________________________________________ GROW mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to