Dear all,

The authors of draft-fiebig-grow-routing-ops-terms requested whether the
GROW working group could consider adoption of their internet-draft.

This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
internet-draft should be adopted.

Title: Currently Used Terminology in Global Routing Operations
   Operating the global routing ecosystem entails a divers set of
   interacting components, while operational practice evolved over time.
   In that time, terms emerged, disappeared, and sometimes changed their

   To aid operators and implementers in reading contemporary drafts,
   this document provides an overview of terms and abbreviations used in
   the global routing operations community.  The document explicitly
   does not serve as an authoritative source of correct terminology, but
   instead strives to provide an overview of practice.

The Internet-Draft can be found here:

Please share with the mailing list if you would like this work to be
adopted by GROW, are willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to
this draft!

WG Adoption call ends January 22nd, 2025.

Kind regards,

Job / Chris
GROW co-chairs

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