Dear all,

This time around a diverse group of people spoke in favor of adopting
draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api in GROW, and no objections were raised.

I'd like to request the authors to resubmit the draft with the following
filename: draft-ietf-grow-peering-api-00

Kind regards,

GROW co-chair

On Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 06:19:58PM -0800, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> Howdy Grow Folks,
> Please consider this to be a WG Adoption Call for the subject draft,
> available at this endpoint:
> Abstract of same included for your reference:
>   "We propose an API standard for BGP Peering, also known as interdomain
>    interconnection through global Internet Routing.  This API offers a
>    standard way to request public (settlement-free) peering, verify the
>    status of a request or BGP session, and list potential connection
>    locations.  The API is backed by PeeringDB OIDC, the industry
>    standard for peering authentication.  We also propose future work to
>    cover private peering, and alternative authentication methods."
> Please give this a read, a consideration and comment or three (no
> more, sorry qos on comments is now in effect... unless signed
> triplicate forms from the networker!) and let's attempt to close out
> prior to the 2nd of December this very year 2 thousand and twenty 4.
> -chris
> CoChairHuman

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