Hi Geoff,

Yeah, we talk about how RFC 9323 is useful in the draft.

The point of this doc is not to recommend any particular use of RPKI, but to 
observe more generally that

 - if you can demonstrate that you are authorised to originate or propagate a 
prefix using RPKI, manual handling of a LOA is not actually useful[*]

 - if you are in a situation where manual handling of a LOA is not useful, but 
you have peers and/or transit providers who require that you send them one 
anyway, it would be nice to have something to send them in place of a LOA.

 - can we get agreement on the kind of LOA substitute we could agree is 
sensible in this situation?

That's this doc.


[*] you have to suspend disbelief a little bit for this part and imagine that 
there is actually a scenario when a LOA is ever useful

> On Oct 16, 2024, at 17:57, Geoff Huston <g...@apnic.net> wrote:
> surely RFC9323 is relevant here - yes?
> Geoff
>> On 17 Oct 2024, at 2:50 AM, Joe Abley <jab...@strandkip.nl> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Per below, Algin and I have written up a proposal that feels grow-ish.
>> Hopefully the idea and why we think it's useful is obvious from the text, 
>> but let us know if not and we will explain ourselves. The draft describes 
>> something we are interested in doing at Cloudflare, but we think it's 
>> broader than just one operator and it feels like some shared consensus about 
>> this kind of thing would be useful.
>> I have asked Job for a few minutes on the wg agenda in Dublin to discuss, if 
>> there's time.
>> Joe
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: internet-dra...@ietf.org
>>> Subject: New Version Notification for 
>>> draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa-00.txt
>>> Date: October 16, 2024 at 16:14:50 CEST
>>> To: "Algin Martin" <al...@cloudflare.com>, "Joe Abley" 
>>> <jab...@cloudflare.com>
>>> A new version of Internet-Draft draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa-00.txt
>>> has been successfully submitted by Joe Abley and posted to the
>>> IETF repository.
>>> Name:     draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa
>>> Revision: 00
>>> Title:    Generating a Letter of Agency to reflect RPKI Validity
>>> Date:     2024-10-16
>>> Group:    Individual Submission
>>> Pages:    11
>>> URL:      
>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa-00.txt
>>> Status:   
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa/
>>> HTML:     
>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa-00.html
>>> HTMLized: 
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-martin-grow-rpki-generated-loa
>>> Abstract:
>>> Letters of Agency (LOA) are commonly used to authorise network
>>> providers to accept and propagate routing information received from
>>> others.  The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) can be used to
>>> perform a similar function, with the advantage that RPKI-signed
>>> objects can be validated automatically and in a more robust manner
>>> than manual processing of documents.  However, some network operators
>>> have established processes that expect and require LOAs to be
>>> exchanged, despite their limitations.  This document proposes a
>>> format for constructing a LOA in the case where RPKI validation is
>>> available, with the goal of enabling a transition to a future where
>>> LOAs are no longer needed.
>>> The IETF Secretariat
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