Internet-Draft draft-ietf-grow-bgpopsecupd-04.txt is now available. It is a
work item of the Global Routing Operations (GROW) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   Updated BGP Operations and Security
   Authors: Tobias Fiebig
            Nick Hilliard
   Name:    draft-ietf-grow-bgpopsecupd-04.txt
   Pages:   8
   Dates:   2024-09-30


   The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a critical component in the
   Internet to exchange routing information between network domains.
   Due to this central nature, it is important to understand the
   security and reliability requirements that can and should be ensured
   to prevent accidental or intentional routing disturbances.

   Previously, security considerations for BGP have been described in
   RFC7454 / BCP194.  Since the publications of RFC7454 / BCP194,
   several developments and changes in operational practice took place
   that warrant an update of these best current practices.  This
   document replaces RFC7454 / BCP194, focusing on the overall goals,
   and providing a less implementation centric set of best practices.

   To this end, the document describes the security requirements and
   goals when operating BGP for exchanging routing information with
   other networks.  The document explicitly does not focus on specific
   technical implementations and requirements.  Operators are advised to
   consult documentation and contemporary informational documents
   concerning methods to ensure that these properties are sufficiently
   ensured in their network.

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