Hi Jenny, Carlos,

the proposal sounds good to me. However, I'm still concerned about point (1) 
from my original email. Do you have any plans to generalize the draft so it 
doesn't exclusively rely on Peering DB?

You've already generalized the draft for identity management, and I think the 
same should be done for matching peering LAN presences. For example, you could 
allow multiple types of Peering LAN identifiers from various databases, 
including but not limited to Peering DB's ixlan id.

This approach would give third parties, particularly RIRs, the opportunity to 
implement the draft if they choose to do so.


On 14.06.24, 17:12, "Jenny Ramseyer" <ramseyer=40meta....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40meta....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

Hi Matthias, grow, 

Thank you for the feedback. We can look into adding a diagram to clarify the 
signing process, along with an overview section to explain the flow. We will 
try to add something in the next version. 

Thank you,


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From: Matthias Wichtlhuber <matthias.wichtlhuber=40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 5:54:05 AM
To: Carlos Aguado <cagu...@infra.structur.es <mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es>>
Cc: grow@ietf.org <mailto:grow@ietf.org> <grow@ietf.org <mailto:grow@ietf.org>>
Subject: [GROW]Re: Working Group Call for Adoption for 
draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api (start 07/Jun/2024 end 21/Jun/2024) 

Hi Carlos, grow,

IMHO you can improve the security considerations section by adding an 
introductory high-level overview on the flow between the entities involved, the 
information passed among them and who signs what before moving into the 
implementation details. This would probably help to structure the discussion. 
So more on the use case side.

Kind regards,

On 12.06.24, 12:20, "Carlos Aguado" <cagu...@infra.structur.es 
<mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es> <mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es 
<mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es> <mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es 
<mailto:cagu...@infra.structur.es>>>> wrote:

Hi grow, Matthias,

About your second point. We wrote that specific part with the goal of providing 
a mini threat model that substantiates the gradual addition of security 
features we have received inputs on and that mitigate the different levels of 
risk organizations are willing to support. That section aims to address the 
need for arbitrary identity providers beyond PeeringDB, and the tie back to 
RPKI via RSC among others. I would appreciate it if you could please clarify 
how we can make it easier to parse. Do you expect more or less context on use 
cases? More or less implementation detail?


On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 09:39, Matthias Wichtlhuber 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org>>> <mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40de-cix....@dmarc.ietf.org>>>>> wrote:

Hi grow, Job,

I am in support of this draft. However I have two concerns I would like to 
raise because I am unsure whether they should be clarified before adoption:

(1) The draft bakes in PeeringDB as an identity and information provider. 
PeeringDB is a great project, but tying a standard to the existence of a 
specific organization like PeeringDB might be a general concern.
(2) I have a hard time parsing the new additions to the security concept in the 
current revision. The authors might consider clarifying this part before going 
into an extended discussion (this is more a recommendation than a real concern).

If both can be solved after adoption, I am happy to do so on the grow list.

Kind regards,

On 07.06.24, 20:13, "Job Snijders" <job=40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org> <mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org>>> <_blank> 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
<mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org>>> 
<_blank>>> wrote:

Dear GROW,

The author of draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api asked whether the
GROW working group could consider adoption of their internet-draft.

This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
internet-draft should be adopted.

Title: Peering API
We propose an API standard for BGP Peering, also known as interdomain
interconnection through global Internet Routing. This API offers a
standard way to request public (settlement-free) peering, verify the
status of a request or BGP session, and list potential connection
locations. The API is backed by PeeringDB OIDC, the industry
standard for peering authentication. We also propose future work to
cover private peering, and alternative authentication methods.

The Internet-Draft can be found here:
<_blank> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api/ 

Please share with the mailing list if you would like this work to be
adopted by GROW, are willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to
this draft!

WG Adoption call ends June 21st, 2024.

Kind regards,

Job / Chris
GROW co-chairs

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