Hi Job and GROW-WG

I like the idea of having a Peering API that sets the path for more automation 
in service-level. Is a good idea in general.

However, I have some second thoughts that make me a bit hesitant and for the 
time being, I can only echo Mohamed’s and Matthias’ concerns. I will contact 
the authors and provide them feedback in a separate e-mail thread to see what 
can be addressed.

Kind Regards

From: Job Snijders <job=40fastly....@dmarc.ietf.org>
Date: Friday, 7 June 2024 at 20:13
To: grow@ietf.org <grow@ietf.org>
Subject: [GROW]Working Group Call for Adoption for 
draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api (start 07/Jun/2024 end 21/Jun/2024)
Dear GROW,

The author of draft-ramseyer-grow-peering-api asked whether the
GROW working group could consider adoption of their internet-draft.

This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
internet-draft should be adopted.

Title: Peering API
   We propose an API standard for BGP Peering, also known as interdomain
   interconnection through global Internet Routing.  This API offers a
   standard way to request public (settlement-free) peering, verify the
   status of a request or BGP session, and list potential connection
   locations.  The API is backed by PeeringDB OIDC, the industry
   standard for peering authentication.  We also propose future work to
   cover private peering, and alternative authentication methods.

The Internet-Draft can be found here:

Please share with the mailing list if you would like this work to be
adopted by GROW, are willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to
this draft!

WG Adoption call ends June 21st, 2024.

Kind regards,

Job / Chris
GROW co-chairs

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