On Sun Feb 23, 2025 at 11:38 PM CET, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2025-02-23T21:21:37+0100, onf wrote:
> > For all the other requests which use filenames (hpf, hpfa, lf -- am I
> > mistaken, or did we forget about lf? --, nx, so), it treats spaces as
> > an argument separator.
> No, I didn't forget about `lf`.  See comment #0 ("original submission")
> to Savannah #65108, 2024-01-02, to which I have referred you several
> times in this discussion.
> https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?65108#comment0
> But I also have not yet changed the behavior of `lf`.  The reason is
> that its second argument isn't a file name.
> A surprising claim?  Review groff(7):
> [...]
> It says "[r]eport input file name as"; the formatter never uses the
> second argument the input gives to the `lf` request to access the file
> system.

I would argue that the fact the second argument to lf is not used by
groff to access the file system doesn't change its semantics of being
a filename. Especially since soelim emits lf requests for all the .so
calls it replaces, meaning that whatever is accepted by .so must also
be accepted by lf.

~ onf

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