Hi Walter,

On Fri Feb 7, 2025 at 7:46 PM CET, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> [...]
> Titles and subtitles (I'm referring to those in the body of the
> document, not those in the header and footer) look better when they have
> more space above than below.  I've recently been studying how to achieve
> this without altering the line spacing.  So far I've been doing
> something like this:
> .\" ------------------------------
> .vs 15
> .ds adjust \v'\\n[.v]u/5u'\Z'\\$*'
> .de h1
> .  br
> .  ps 14
> .  sp
> .  ds prev \\$0
> ..
> .de pp
> .  br
> .  ps 12
> .  if '\\*[prev]'h1' .sp
> ..
> .pp
> This is a paragraph.
> .h1
> \*[adjust "This is a title"]
> .pp
> This is another paragraph.
> .\" --------------------------------
> How can I achieve that trick (or alike) from the macro?  (Thus avoid
> having to add the label to each title in the document.)

Your approach seems unnecessarily complicated. Unless I am missing
something, what you are trying to do with
can be achieved via
  .sp 0.2v
or its equivalent
  .sp 0.2

~ onf

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