Hello guys,

There is something I can't figure out how to do it.

Titles and subtitles (I'm referring to those in the body of the
document, not those in the header and footer) look better when they have
more space above than below.  I've recently been studying how to achieve
this without altering the line spacing.  So far I've been doing
something like this:

.\" ------------------------------
.vs 15
.ds adjust \v'\\n[.v]u/5u'\Z'\\$*'
.de h1
.  br
.  ps 14
.  sp
.  ds prev \\$0
.de pp
.  br
.  ps 12
.  if '\\*[prev]'h1' .sp
This is a paragraph.
\*[adjust "This is a title"]
This is another paragraph.
.\" --------------------------------

How can I achieve that trick (or alike) from the macro?  (Thus avoid
having to add the label to each title in the document.)


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