Hi Dave,

At 2024-11-03T19:59:07-0600, Dave Kemper wrote:
> The commit log 
> (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/commit/?id=f486938c5)
> says:
> > Spell string translations using groff special character escape
> > sequences instead of Latin-1 or Latin-9 code points; this way they
> > work with a document that uses them no matter what its own encoding.
> >
> > I didn't do "ru.tmac"; that one's more of a pickle.  The goal
> > identified above could be achieved by sifting the string
> > translations through preconv(1) and committing that, but that would
> > come at the cost of rendering them unintelligible to humans (and
> > therefore prone to error).
> Spitballing an idea: leave ru.tmac as-is in git.  Make the build run
> it through preconv and prepend a header identifying it as so modified,
> and pointing users to the original file.  The processed file would be
> installed as ru.tmac, so that groff gets the benefit of its
> encoding-agnosticism, while the original would be installed as, say,
> ru.tmac.orig, so humans get the benefit of being able to read it.

I think this would break the part of the file that sets up the
hyphenation codes, which have to be 8-bit encoded given the current
state of the formatter.


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