At 2024-10-02T13:29:28-0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote: > [follow-ups set to groff@gnu, a discussion list]
One point I forgot to mention... > At 2024-10-02T18:12:06+0200, joerg van den hoff wrote: > > I was not aware of this change (not following groff development > > closely) and it took me quite a bit of time today to find the root > > course of why some newly compiled old documents of mine do not > > contain an index any more. I infer from this account that you built this document without the groff options `-wall` or `-ww`. I strongly urge you to do so, as does our documentation. troff(1): Two warning names group other warning categories for convenience. all All warning categories except di, mac, and reg. This shorthand is intended to produce all warnings that are useful with macro packages and documents written for AT&T troff and its descendants, which have less fastidious diagnostics than GNU troff.[1] w All warning categories. Authors of documents and macro packages targeting groff are encouraged to use this setting. If you had either of these enabled, or even just `-wmac`, you would have received a diagnostic during the build complaining of `IX` being undefined, which should have alerted you to the root cause of the issue. To the best of my knowledge, with one exception, all of the macro packages groff ships are "`-ww`-clean", meaning that they are free of warnings. The exception is mom(7), which is "merely" -wall-clean. I beseech all groff users to specify the `-ww` or `-wall` option to groff for _any_ usage scenario except possibly the rendering of legacy documents that expected AT&T troff as the formatter and can't be changed. (Fixing a warning never forces you to adopt a GNU extension to troff.) I can attest from extensive personal experience that these warnings truly do help in tracking down problems. You may also find the `-b` option useful--it generates backtraces upon warnings or errors from the formatter. Regards, Branden [1] Or almost none at all. My suspicion is that, as with Ritchie's C compiler, input validation and other sanity checks were regarded as as a luxury, or as wasteful of core that should have been conceded to other user processes. Ritchie and McIlroy have told the tales: "After the TMG version of B was working, Thompson rewrote B in itself (a bootstrapping step). During development, he continually struggled against memory limitations: each language addition inflated the compiler so it could barely fit, but each rewrite taking advantage of the feature reduced its size."[2] "Conversion to C made UNIX, already elegant and capable, into a system also intelligible, pliable, and ultimately portable. It elicited a flood of utilities and made it easier to refine the kernel. As the compiler evolved, the system benefited too: better object code meant speedups and space savings across the board. More than once an overgrown kernel was squeezed back into place by attending to the compiler."[3] While I know of no testimonials on point regarding AT&T troff's size, it was comparable to that of compilers for other programming languages in Seventh Edition Unix. The C compiler's 3 passes were 24 KiB, 35 KiB, and 12 KiB, respectively; "f77pass1" was 82 KiB(!)[4]; and troff was 42 KiB. Interestingly (to me), the BASIC compiler `bas` was a mere 7 KiB. The Bell Labs CSRC seemed to view that language with a neutrality or even acceptance that is surprising in the hindsight of younger generations, who innovated a prejudice of their own by characterizing BASIC as so horrible that it forever corrupted the mind and retarded the programming ability of the practitioner--in _any_ language. Supposedly this was due to its unstructured nature; but Pascal was structured to a fault (down to the ordering of declarations), and they hated it, too. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of early Unix advocates was how much seething hatred they had, and for how many different things. For further specimens of half-informed bias trumpeting itself as discerning judgment, peruse Eric S. Raymond's "New Hacker Dictionary", a.k.a. "Jargon File". (On further consideration, anything by Raymond suits this purpose.) [2] Ritchie, D. M.; "The Development of the C Language" [3] McIlroy, M. D.; "A Research Unix Reader: Annotated Excerpts from the Programmer's Manual: 1971-1986" [4] I exclaim because that's bigger than the original address space of the PDP-11. 'Some models, beginning with the PDP-11/45, can be set to use 32K words (64 KB) as the "instruction space" for program code and a separate 32K words of "data space". Some operating systems—notably Unix since edition V7, and RSX11-M+—rely on this feature.' (Wikipedia) If I knew how to dump a V7 object file (and/or interpret the dump) I'd see how much of that is "text" versus "data". Oh wait. I do know. It's a command no one runs anymore but that continues to occupy prime name space real estate. $ size /lib/f77pass1 62592+19846+13542 = 95980b = 0273354b The output is not self-describing, so we turn to the man page. DESCRIPTION Size prints the (decimal) number of bytes required by the text, data, and bss portions, and their sum in octal and decimal, of each object-file argument. If no file is speci- fied, a.out is used. Wow. Talk about kissin' the limit. No wonder there was such antipathy for Fortran in early Unix culture (and which lingered because we more diligently copy the prejudices of our fathers than their wisdom). Any jerk building a Fortran project on the time-sharing host you were on was going to swap your ass OUT. (My understanding is that the V7 kernel didn't support demand paging-- that was a feature of the much-touted "vmunix" kernel developed by Berkeley. When a process vacated core memory, it did so _completely_.)
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