Hi Alex,

At 2024-03-22T20:10:51+0100, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
> Whoops!  I passed two different file names at different stages.  I
> obviously wanted to say this:
>       $ preconv man3/_Generic.3 \
>               | tbl \
>               | troff -man -Thtml -wbreak \
>               | post-grohtml >g.html;


> > Can you share an exhibit of a pipeline that fails and describe _how_
> > it fails?
> Sure.  Let's add eqn(1) to that pipeline.
>       $ preconv man3/_Generic.3 \
>               | tbl \
>               | eqn -Thtml \
>               | troff -man -Thtml -wbreak \
>               | post-grohtml >g_eqn.html;
>       <standard input>: warning: eqn should have been given a '-Tps' 
> option(consider invoking 'groff -Thtml -e')
> Hmmm, let's do what that warning says: use -Tps.
>       $ preconv man3/_Generic.3 \
>               | tbl \
>               | eqn -Tps \
>               | troff -man -Thtml -wbreak \
>               | post-grohtml >g_eqnps.html;
> This "works", but it results in a worse HTML file.
>       -<p style="margin-left:15%; margin-top: 1em">#include
>       +<p style="margin-left:1%; margin-top: 1em">#include
>        &lt;stdint.h&gt; <br>
> It reduces the base paragraph inset (did I use the right term? :) to
> almost nothing.

I have to say I regard this as a pretty minor problem compared to others
I've seen grohtml have with man pages.

However, I would also say that it's wrong that running eqn on an input
document that doesn't even _use_ eqn should change anything about the
rendering.  That's weird.

...and it turns out I can't reproduce this.

$ preconv man3/_Generic.3 | tbl | eqn -Thtml | troff -man -Thtml -Wbreak | 
post-grohtml >| _Generic-eqn-Thtml.html
$ preconv man3/_Generic.3 | tbl | eqn -Tps | troff -man -Thtml -Wbreak | 
post-grohtml >| _Generic-eqn-Tps.html
$ stat -c '%s %n' _Generic-eqn-T*
3010 _Generic-eqn-Thtml.html
3010 _Generic-eqn-Tps.html
$ diff -u _Generic-eqn-T*
--- _Generic-eqn-Thtml.html     2024-03-22 14:32:37.651496863 -0500
+++ _Generic-eqn-Tps.html       2024-03-22 14:32:24.779577657 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <!-- Creator     : groff version -->
-<!-- CreationDate: Fri Mar 22 14:32:37 2024 -->
+<!-- CreationDate: Fri Mar 22 14:32:24 2024 -->
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

I can't think of anything in the last 179 commits that would have
affected this, but...179 slightly exceeds the capacity of human working


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